This Just In: Snow White to Carry Lightsaber and Use the Force in Next Year’s Re-re-release of Disney’s Classic

So with the news of Disney buying Lucasfilm for 4.05 billion and as I watch the latest episode of Merlin and work some on my application for CSU East Bay, I’ve decided to finally attempt to write a possibly long editorial on a few things. So without further ado, allons-y!

First of all, on the subject of the purchase of Lucasfilm, I had the same reaction as most people. This will be the downfall of Star Wars. Thankfully, when I posted that on Facebook  a good friend of mine pointed out that this could very well be a good thing. Lucasfilm needs a good kick in the pants. Aside for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, an animated TV show, Lucasfilm has hardly done anything in recent years. Seriously, I don’t think any serious Star Wars fan can say that they are truly happy with the direction, or the lack of direction, the Star Wars franchise has been taking in the last few years. It needs a shot in the arm more than I can say. Hopefully they will draw from the books and comics which are a wealth of strong stories (not all are strong, so many authors so it bound to be a mixed bag) and they should use that to their advantage.

Another thing, with all of the other episodes, Lucas was extremely invested in the films but for Star Wars Episode 7, which is set to release in 2015 with 8, 9, and possibly more to follow suit, he is only going to be the “creative consultant”. How much of a role this means he has we’ll see, but this is likely going to contribute to the new directions the series takes. I see Lucas as part of the problem, so less of him should be a good thing. (I’d also like to note that I have high respect for George Lucas, I just believe that recent Star Wars material is lacking and logic dictates that it is very likely mostly his fault.)

Also, I’d like to point out that many of us had the same reaction when we found out that Marvel had been bought by Disney. That turned out better than I could’ve expected, like way better. There are five more Marvel movies on the horizon from Disney, and also a S.H.I.E.L.D. TV show with loads of potential (more on that later). If anything, I see the Disney-helmed Star Wars franchise to be a promising one with an even more promising future.

Has anyone ever taken the time to read the comment discussions about things like this? Some people actually seem worried that Mickey Mouse will be in the next Star Wars movie. I mean come on people, use your head. I definitely don’t see Disney remaking Star Wars over. Unlike, DC comics who in 2011, basically rewrote the entire 50 some years of comics, to reboot all of their stories and ruin classic characters. I’m pretty fed up with the direction that DC is taking and now that Disney got Lucasfilm, I kinda wish Disney would pick them up too. (A ton more on this subject another time. That post may be more rant than editorial. I’ll see how much I can blur that line haha.)

Side note: Though there has been no announcement that I’ve seen, we may get another new and better Indiana Jones movie sometime too, since Indiana Jones is another property that Disney gets in the purchase.

Ok, so maybe I sound a little harsh, but seriously people need to take a breath and look at the bigger picture. Disney is not just a company full of fairy tales and princesses. They’ve released action adventures before and are continuing to do so. This is DISNEY! Like it or not, they do know pretty much what they are doing when it comes to entertainment. Sure they may flop this one, but its far from a sure thing like may seem to think. All I’m saying is that we should try to keep an open mind and enjoy the ride.

Oh and as one comment I rode pointed out, Princess Leia is now a Disney princess (technically) and the coolest one at that. 🙂

Next editorial will be about DC and Marvel and why Marvel is besting DC right now, and not just in the movie biz.



P.S. These things all seem like their going to be longer than they actually are when I finish them.

P.P.S. That Merlin episode was fantastic! More people need to watch that show. The first three seasons are on Netflix. Check it out!!!

P.P.P.S. Kyle Paquin is a boss for unknowingly helping me with the best way to write this out.

P.P.P.P.S. I wonder how many of these postscripts I could write…

P.P.P.P.P.S. Anyone catch the Doctor Who reference in there. I’m gonna go for one in every post I think!

P.P.P.P.P.P.S. If this post was a little scattered I’m sorry, I promise to work on it in the future.

P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. That’s six not counting this one which is seven. Goodbye!

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