
So those of you who are on Facebook have probably seen something about one of your friends listening to music on something called Spotify. Spotify is a music program for your computer and your mobile devices. All you need to do to get Spotify on your computer is to go to the website, download the program, and make a free account. Then you may listen to all the music you want for free as long as you are connected to the internet. If you want to listen offline or if you want to listen on a phone or other mobile device, you need to pay $10 a month. If you’re like me and you listen to a lot of music but don’t own much of it. (I’ve been using subscription services for a long time not illegal downloading).

Its a great tool to use if you’re not sure you want to buy an album so you can go on Spotify, listen to it a few times and then buy it.

Also you can share and link to albums and playlists and share playlists and music to Facebook as well. The social aspect works really well. So I hope you check it out and enjoy some great music. To start you off here’s a playlist of some great albums that came out this summer. Summer ’12

